Tourist map of Madrid
Updated: January 2025
This is the tourist map of Madrid, which includes the top 50 tourists highlights in the city. It is organized so as to reach them through the network of public transport in Madrid, especially via the metro system.
We have a PDF version of this tourist map of Madrid, in super high definition.
Where to buy tourist tickets online?
On the Tiqets website you can buy cheaper tickets for all kinds of museums, shows, monuments, attractions, bachelor parties, and more. On some things (few) you can save up to 20%. In most places, with these tickets you will not have to wait in line at the entrance.
- Madrid Travel Card: It costs about 48,40€ (depending on several factors) and they come to pick you up at the airport with a sign with your name on it, take you to the hotel, give you a ticket that lasts 3 days and you can use all the subways, buses or streetcars you want. Shopping comfort.
Contact 1: For complaints or questions about the Madrid Metro (schedules, tickets, routes), please use the official Metro Madrid contact.
Contact 2: For issues or suggestions regarding this website you are currently reading, send us a message.
Thank you very much for your visit, we hope that to our tourist map of Madrid has been helpful to you.